Saturday, August 3, 2013


Aishani Das

Nyx dawned, so cold and still
And wrapped the world in thrill.
Cynthia gleamed: her cusp in dew
Against the starry night's pale black hue.

I walked down the road not taken
Skirted by meadows long forsaken.
The wind brushed Her face with mine.
The cool lake rippled under the moonshine,
Cestrum nocturnum lent it's fragrance to the night.

The wind is new, silken and fair;
Intangible it is, like what we share.
The dew is soft, cool and wet;
Like the eternal solace from you I get.
The night is whole, mystic and clear;
Like the love for you in my heart I bear.

Today as I walk, I think of you
On the morrow, it'll be the same too;
For it is you, who taught me right from wrong
And lent your voice to sing my song.
Upon truth, honour and humility you always stressed
And told me how grace was the best.

You are that shining beacon of light,
Imperishable and pristine.
I thank you every night and day,
And pray for you in churches on my way.

And yet with the Time that took flight,
My fears stood right.
“Who are you?”
You ask me now.
I kneel down to you and take a bow.
A tear from my eye crashes against your toe.
“Nobody” I say, with my head bent low.

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