Friday, November 19, 2010

Yamuna Submissions 2011-12: Categories

Yamuna Submissions 2011-12

Yamuna, the official college magazine of SRCC, is now accepting poems and prose from interested writers in SRCC. The categories are

1. Poetry- they don't need to rhyme!

2. Prose (Creative writing)- includes short stories, potential scenes for a play/film, monologues, pastiches, and satire. We're open to different forms of writing.

3. Social and Political Commentaries- opinionated and informed articles on social and political issues. Your views as an SRite.

4. Travel Pieces- short stories about your travel experiences.

The top entries will get published in the magazine.

Please note that all submissions must be original pieces of work; we do NOT accept plagiarism. For instance, facts and figures taken off a website for writing a commentary must be sourced.

Email your entries to by 10th of November at the latest. Yamuna members are also free to send in their entries!

Looking forward to peruse your work!

Feel free to contact us in case of any queries.

Teacher-in-charge : Mr. Shailesh Chawla

Chief Editor: Sanchita Jain

Poetry: Dhruv Jain 9971473632

Prose: Rishav Thakur 78389528225

Social and Political Commentaries: Venkat Khandelwal 8800638898

Travelogues: Kriti Anand 9873654941

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